Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Progress is continuing on development of teaching resources for the Reception services and Tourism Enterprises specialties. This is proving to be time-consuming for the selling component as resources are not obviously available in the travel and tourism areas and need to be hunted out.Blogging for both these specialties is proving to be a bonus for students as they are able to pick up activities and resources from the blog especially if they miss class. However the ongoing problems we have been encountering with internet access - internet provider problems, is proving to be annoying - however have conteracted this by having a backup plan. Again this is a problem often encountered in the workplace no matter what industry you are in. It also highlights our reliability on internet access. Try looking at one of our blogs reception services blog .

Our blogging classes have temporarily been put on hold just until teaching has settled down. We will then go back to once weekly time slots. Teachers are however writing posts on the course blogs which is working really well.

I have also started working on the paper to be presented at the 5th Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning in London in July. Susan Ellis from EDC is helping with the process which is proving to be complex but really interesting - hope those at the conference think so to.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Hey hillary,
Great news about the conference, I'm now a very vibrant shade of green.